Facebook Lead Ads.

Facebook Lead Ads: –

Once upon a time, finding leads and learning about customers required large marketing departments, pollsters, and telemarketers.

Facebook Lead Ads are one of the best ways to get to know the audience and get them interested in the product.

They are a relatively profitable way to learn about the audience and generate leads that actually convert.

Facebook Lead Ads are promotions that ask readers to submit information about themselves, either by filling in the details or by having Facebook fill in the information.

With these presentations, the business can easily create a list of qualified prospects interested in the product or service.

Top Facebook Ads have a couple of unique advantages over other ads:

  • They save time and reduce churn rates by pre-populating the details of people Facebook already knows.
  • They are designed for mobile devices, so they are easy to complete.
  • They can connect directly to the customer relationship management (CRM) service.
  • They can be targeted at the people most likely to convert so that potential customers are more likely to convert.

Let’s see how Facebook Lead Ads really helped a business in real life.

See the potential of Facebook Lead Ads, let’s see how to make the own.

To create a Facebook lead ad

Drive through the process of making a Facebook Lead Ad so that one can begin to attract more qualified leads to the business.

Step 1: Start the process:

  • To make a Facebook lead ad, start by opening and logging in to the Facebook business page.
  • Press the Promote button.
  • One will be taken to a screen where one can choose the marketing objective.
  • Choose to Get More Leads to start designing the Facebook Lead Ad.

Step 2: Set up the basics:

  • Setting up the main ad is choosing a form name and choosing whether to customize the form text.
  • By selecting to customize the form text, one can add an optional title and description to the lead form.
  • Both the headlines and the descriptions can be a great opportunity to remind the people who complete the form of the benefits they can get from completing the questions.
  • Select customer information to collect and questions for potential customers to answer.
  • People like that this process is easy, so focus on the information and questions they need to know.
  • Set a privacy policy and need to add the link text.

Step 3: format the main ad:

  • Start formatting the main ads and need to customize the ad creative or how the ad will appear in people’s feeds.
  • Add a description to the ad: the copy that will go on top of the ad.
  • Add a title to the ad – the copy that will go next to the call to action.
  • Choose the CTA button: Click on “Button Label” and choose from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the ad image or video – click the edit options and upload the own content, or choose content that has already been posted to Facebook, or use a stock image.
  • It should be the one that really takes up the most time. Make sure the ad is eye-catching and memorable.
  • To give people a reason to participate, use descriptions, headlines, and media to clearly highlight what customers will get (a special offer, a discount, etc.) in exchange for their information.

Step 4: choose the audience:

  • Get a chance to tell Facebook who to target with the top ads.
  • Choose from existing audiences, edit existing audiences, or create an entirely new audience.
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • Don’t forget to explore detailed targeting to get the most out of Facebook’s algorithms.

Step 5: select the budget and duration:

  • Finalize how much to spend, for what period of time will spend it, and some final decisions can make before paying for and promoting the product.

With the budget, adjust:

  • The number of days to run.
  • The total advertising budget will be spent over the course of the promotion.

Keep an eye on the estimated reach to see if Facebook’s ad budget is where it needs to be.

  • Eliminate some final decisions around placement (whether the ads will run on Facebook, Instagram, or Messenger), whether to create a Facebook pixel to track the ads and what the payment method will be.
  • Press the Promote Now button and the ad will run.
  • Don’t forget that will also have to figure out how to get leads where one can use them.
  • Check out Facebook CRM integrations or download options.
  • To get people to click through and fill out the top ad form, offer them something worthwhile.


  • Special promotion
  • Inside information
  • A free download
  • Access to a special event

To ensure that potential customers on the move can quickly understand the offer.

  • The text, images and videos should work together to express to readers how they can benefit from submitting the main ad form.
  • By putting effort into presentation and value proposition, make the ads resonate with Facebook audiences.
  • For the own marketing efforts, a good place to start is to use lookalike audiences based on current customers.
  • Facebook can use existing customer data and then try to target other people it thinks are similar to them. If customers love the product, chances are people like them will love the products too.
  • Another option is to immerse in Facebook’s custom target audience.
  • Make sure to review all the options so that Facebook can place this ad only for the most relevant readers.

Facebook Lead Ads Testing Tools:

An advantage of top ads compared to other online ads is that they sync with the CRM.

When leads are obtained, one can automatically store that information in the CRM and take the next step in building that relationship (like sending an email to the lead).

Facebook Lead Ads Testing Tool and Integrations:

To help combine CRM and Facebook, Facebook has created a resource to walk through the process.

Look for the CRM or click on the logo and then follow the instructions from Facebook.

Use Facebook’s testing tool to make sure everything is working as it should.

To use it:

  • Open the tool.
  • Select the Facebook page to connect to.
  • Choose the form name of the main ad already created.
  • Press “Create Lead”.
  • One should receive a confirmation that the lead has been submitted.
  • Check the CRM to make sure the lead has arrived.
  • Check again, make sure and hit “Remove Lead” first.

AdEspresso has also designed a tool to help ensure that CRM and Facebook work together.

  • The best part is that can use it to sync platforms like HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Google Ads.
  • To use the trial function, log into the AdEspresso account, click Tools and select Data Synchronization.
  • Then create a new sync name and click “Create new sync.
  • The next step is to configure the font.

Here, one will need to select which Facebook ad account to sync from, then click on the Facebook lead generation form and click on the corresponding Facebook page it is pulled from and the lead generation form will be will sync.

  • Set up a target for this data, the CRM.
  • Choose the CRM from the list and press next.
  • Need to configure the CRM.
  • Having synced with this CRM before in AdEspresso, simply choose the CRM account to sync with.
  • Otherwise, set up a new account and verify it by clicking “Add new account”.
  • After having connected the CRM, it is necessary to map the data that Facebook collects with those that will go into the CRM.
  • The last step is to review everything to configure and apply all the changes made.
  • Must have seamless connections between Facebook Lead Ads and CRM.
  • Drive marketing success through Facebook Lead Ads.
  • Facebook Lead Ads are a unique opportunity for marketers to connect directly with their leads.
  • With the reach of Facebook and the sophistication of its targeting algorithms, place questions directly in front of the target audience to learn more about potential customers.
  • The possibilities are truly endless, as long as to know what they are doing.
  • Being familiar with Facebook Lead Ads, these promotions are an easy and efficient way to go.