Google Ads optimization level.

Google best practices to improve Google Ads optimization level: –

  • Google has published a set of best practices to help Google Ads users improve their optimization scores.
  • Optimization level is a metric that evaluates how well a Google Ads campaign is optimized.
  • The score ranges from 0% to 100%, and 100% means that 100% means that the account is configured to perform at its maximum potential.

To improve the optimization level of Google Ads:

Google offers the three best practices for maximizing your optimization score.

Efficient account management:

  • Users can manage their Google Ads account more efficiently by prioritizing which actions have the most potential to improve optimization scores.
  • Google Ads makes this easy by recommending the most powerful optimizations for an account.
  • The optimization score uses historical performance, auction simulations, and machine learning to make recommendations.

Apply recommendations that support business goals:

  • Google recommends checking the recommendations regularly.
  • Google Ads frequently offers new recommendations based on real-time data.
  • Stay on top of the latest recommendations by checking at least once a week.
  • Focus on the recommendations based on the score increase and discard the recommendations that are not aligned with the objectives.

Analyze recommendations in their own terms:

Google points out that users can filter recommendations by these 4 sections:

  • Ads and extensions
  • Offers and budgets
  • Keywords and targeting
  • Repair

Recommendations can also be downloaded for offline analysis.

Currently, the optimization level assesses how well search campaigns are configured.

Soon it will also include the display, video, shopping and app campaigns.

Google Ads optimization level: –

  • Google Ads has a built-in feature that gives users an optimization score and recommendations to improve it.
  • Google describes its optimization score as an estimate of the performance of the Google Ads account.
  • Scores between 0 and 100%, with 100 meaning that the account can function to its full potential.
  • Optimization scores are available at the campaign, account, and manager account levels.
  • Shown for active Search, Shopping, and Display campaigns.
  • Since its launch, Google has continued to expand this feature, including adding recommendations to improve the score.

Recommendations come with application buttons, which automatically apply the recommendation to the account.

A closer look at the recommendations received for the client’s account.

Add price extensions:

  • Adding price extensions was an interesting suggestion.
  • Price extensions are generally used by retail stores.

Use customer lists:

  • Customer lists are not a marketing method that would normally have been considered for this account.
  • Google allows targeting similar audiences, which seems like it could really work.

Apply dynamic search ads:

  • Google also recommended applying dynamic search ads.
  • Dynamic Search Ads seemed a bit out of the box for this account, but they decided to test it out in a campaign.
  • This was surprising given that dynamic search ads are targeting advertisers who have a large inventory of products to sell, such as medical supplies or auto parts.
  • Dynamic Search Ads use website content to target ads and can help fill in the gaps in keyword-based campaigns.
  • Whether these automated ad creatives are cannibalizing the other ad groups.
  • If performance remained as strong if dynamic search ads were deployed across multiple campaigns.
  • With all of these unknowns, we are going to make slow progress in implementing this recommendation as we continue to monitor and test.

Apply automatic offers:

  • Each campaign on the customer’s account comes with a recommendation to apply automatic bids.
  • Proceed with caution and test automatic bidding on only one of the customer’s campaigns.

100% optimization should not be the goal:

  • Most accounts have an average optimization score of around 80%, which sounds good.
  • That is not to say that Google’s optimization level is useless.
  • He gave some helpful tips and out-of-the-box tips, which was great.
  • It could be a quick and easy way to identify the most obvious problems.
  • While Google’s artificial intelligence may be smart, it doesn’t even know the business.