To Fix the ‘Page with Redirect’ Error in Google Search Console
The “Page with Redirect” error in Google Search Console (GSC) indicates that a page on your website redirects users or Googlebot to a different URL when they attempt to access it.
Pages flagged with this error do not appear in search results, potentially affecting your site’s visibility.
While this issue might not initially seem critical, the reality is that many SEO professionals encounter it frequently and seek actionable solutions. Let’s break down how to address it effectively.
Step 1: Review Pages Flagged in the Report
Manually inspect all pages flagged in the Google Search Console “Page with Redirect” report:
- Navigate to Google Search Console > Pages > Why pages aren’t indexed.
- Review the flagged pages and note their redirect destinations.
Step 2: Determine If Redirects Are Valid
Export the redirect file and evaluate whether the redirects are appropriate. Redirects are acceptable in two scenarios:
- Permanent Moves: Use a 301 redirect if a URL has been permanently moved to a new destination.
- Fixing Broken Links: Redirecting a broken link to a relevant page is an acceptable practice.
If all redirects are accurate and intentional, there’s no further action required.
However, it’s recommended to revisit this report monthly and conduct a detailed audit quarterly.
Step 3: Inspect a Sample of URLs
To ensure accuracy, select 10–25 URLs from your export list and test them using the Inspect URL tool in GSC. Check for the following:
- Status: “Page is not indexed: Page with redirect.”
- Canonical Tag: Ensure the user-declared canonical tag matches the URL to which the 301 redirect points.
Step 4: Address Redirect Issues
Redirects can create problems in the following scenarios:
- 302 Redirects: Temporary 302 redirects lasting over a month may be treated as permanent 301 redirects by Google, potentially affecting rankings. Replace them with 301 redirects if the move is permanent.
- Redirect Chains or Loops: Simplify complex chains (e.g., A → B → C → D) by pointing all URLs directly to the final destination (D).
- Redirecting Important Pages: Avoid redirecting vital pages critical to your site’s visibility. Remove unnecessary redirects to ensure these pages remain indexed.
Step 5: Audit Your XML Sitemap
Double-check your XML sitemap for redirects:
- Remove any redirected URLs from the sitemap.
- Ensure the destination URLs of redirects are listed in the sitemap.
In GSC, you can filter submitted and unsubmitted pages in the XML sitemap. Remove any URLs flagged as redirects if the redirect is valid.
Maintaining a Healthy Redirect Strategy
At its core, resolving the “Page with redirect” error requires mindful management of redirects and canonical tags. Conduct quarterly audits to verify:
- Redirects are implemented correctly.
- Canonical tags align with your intentions.
These proactive measures help maintain your site’s SEO health and ensure a seamless user experience.
Addressing the “Page with redirect” error doesn’t always require immediate action.
In most cases, the flagged redirects are intentional and correct.
However, occasional insights from this report can highlight unintentional redirects that need correction.
Make the “Page with Redirect” error report a part of your monthly SEO checklist.
By consistently auditing your redirects and canonical tags, you’ll foster an effective, clean, and user-friendly website that aligns with best SEO practices.