Advertising copy tests to enhance PPC performance.

Advertising copy tests to enhance PPC performance: –

To create the best ads possible and to improve PPC performance,

Here are some basic rules, tips and tricks for upcoming ad copy exams.

As a starting point, it is essential to have a hypothesis of what is expected to improve the exchange rate.

The goal is to provide clear results:

  • Always have enough data when running tests!
  • Statistical significance should be targeted (along with increased performance).
  • According to Google, the test must be run until it meets one of two conditions:
  • At least one variant has a 95% chance of surpassing the baseline (this free A / B calculator will help).
  • Two weeks have passed considering the cyclical variations in web traffic during the week.
  • This leads us to the final testing ground rule.

Set the testing timeframe:

Remember that tests should never be run.

Define a specific time frame for obtaining and adhering to valuable data.

Each test does not matter one way or another and that is OK.

Examine the unfinished and proceed.

Now, with those basic rules, go for the exams!

1. Numerical Abbreviations Vs. Integer values:

It’s no secret that advertising with numbers can help calculate information, whether it’s inventory, discount, or product price.

Using numbers makes ads more attractive and helps them reduce all the noise that other PPC ads create.

When creating ad copy, manipulating numeric values ​​turned out to be a great way to draw attention and separate ads.

2. Add, edit and subtract prices:

When it comes to PPC advertising prices are a sharp knife on both sides.

In fact, a recent analysis of the highest performing ads shows only 40% of the best performing branded ads and 37% of the non-branded ads showing inclusive numbers.

Being proactive about the pricing can provide information that customers need to know and subsequently help them make a quick purchase decision.

On the other hand, the price can stop people from being reminded that money needs to be spent.

This is especially true if the product and/or service shown in the search engine results is not cheap.

After setting up some tests, it became clear that by normalizing the number, we could increase the CTRs in these communities.

Also, designed as a price reduction to make it more attractive to readers.

3. Experiment when calculating promotions:

In PPC marketing, it is common practice to quantify promotions in the form of discounts, conditional pricing and other special offers.

4. Punctuation marks?!.

One of the easiest places to start testing is with punctuation, however, some people focus on these “simple” tests.

Analysis of 612 top-performing branded paid ads revealed that 48% of ads used exclamation points, while only 11% used the dollar sign and fewer used the question mark.

According to the same survey, the following punctuation marks are most commonly found on non-branded paid ads:

Exclamation point: 42%

Commas: 25%

Question mark: 11%

Percentage: 9%

Dollar sign: 8%

Based on our own testing, it makes sense to use an exclamation point.

The possibility of testing the use of punctuation marks (question marks, percentages, etc.) is worth exploring and is well aligned with the use of emotion to drive enhanced performance.

5. Emotional appeal: –

Ads that attract people on a more emotional level can make big profits on a click-through rate.

Determine what the customer’s emotions are.

What do they love/hate?

What is the biggest problem they face?

How are going to fix it?

Although traditionally reserved for content idealization, it can also help to use emotional headlines for ad copy by using a headline analyzer like one or the other.

6. Test the CTA:

Different people have different reactions to ads.

The key to generating people’s responses to advertising is basically asking them to trust the show, the brand, or to try a product or service.

This is where language comes in and is very important when writing CTAs.

The first word of the CTA has the potential to create a positive or negative impression of the ad.

The first word in the CTA may be the defining factor, so different first words (all of which must be verbs) in the CTA should be tested and a high-convertible copy used.

For example, starting with “Contact us today” instead of “Call us now” may lead to a noticeable difference in CTRs.

Similarly, “shop now” instead of “order now” can lead to different levels of audience response.

Here is a mashup of potential calls for action variations to test:





Find out




To get started




Make a reservation







Get a membership


Find out


Get started

7. Play with the landing pages:

Naturally, landing pages are a great marketing tool because they give the target market a chance to decide whether or not they want to interact more with the business.

As a result, testing landing pages is a fundamental part of doing business online.

In Google Ads, there are some landing page tests that one can easily do without making any changes to the website:

Link directly to the most popular product in the advertising category.

Link directly to the category page.

Try different sorting methods on category pages:

Best Selling First.

The first is the cheapest.

The first is the newest.

First best reviewed.

Promotions in advance.

Manual placement.

Link to a search done for a specific brand, product or product type.

Link to homepage.

Google Optimize is a godsend for this type of A / B and multi-variant testing (both paid media and SEO).

When it comes to campaign optimization, one has to constantly do split testing like this and then evaluate the results.

Absolute statement copy gives confidence in test statements and increases the chances of a return on those who decide to implement.

Whether experiencing success or requiring further changes or improvements, the ad test should be at the top of the list of priorities.

It is important to track the performance of the ads and analyze the data collected.

It helps to change and modify ads as needed and move forward with more informed decisions, maximizing success and profits.

A.B.T Remember: always. Be. Testing.