Google Ads New Performance Maximum Features.

Google Ads New Performance Maximum Features: –

  • When the migration to performance max campaigns began, Google announced new features available for this type of campaign.
  • It’s no secret that Google is promoting Performance Max campaigns against advertisers.
  • Performance Max campaigns will replace smart shopping and local campaigns by the end of 2022.
  • As the new type of campaign emerges as one of the new standards, Google is adding new features to help advertisers with this big change.
  • Google has announced the release of three new features.

These features include:

  • New customer acquisition target type.
  • Consumer interest insights.
  • One-click upgrade tool.

Customer Acquisition Goal:

  • Customer acquisition targets have become available with the launch of smart shopping campaigns.
  • With the forced move to Performance Max, Google is now making it available for that type of campaign.

The goal type allows to do one of two things:

  • Bid on more new customers similar to existing ones.
  • While maintaining cost-effectiveness, focus on optimization only for new customers.

Customer Interest Insights:

  • Google is releasing customer insights of interest on the insights page in Google Ads.
  • This update allows viewing search themes that drive conversions.
  • Launching Google Asset Audience Insights.

One-click upgrade tool:

  • Google is releasing the upgrade tool in stages.
  • Access this tool from the Recommendations page and the Campaigns page.
  • Roll out begins with smart shopping campaigns.
  • When they use the tool to migrate, the related campaigns become a new and unique performance maximizing campaign.
  • All budgets, settings and practices will be transferred from previous campaigns.

Customers have multiple devices and interact with brands across multiple channels.

  • Google understands that the customer journey landscape has changed.
  • These new features of Performance Max are aimed at finding the right mix of inventory and ad formats to get the best results.
  • Although the one-click feature is intended to make the lives of advertisers easier, it is definitely aimed at new marketers.
  • Experienced marketers have a new type of campaign, as well as mixed feelings on mixed results.
  • While the one-click tool is beneficial, have more insights by experiencing the performance max setup live.