Google Update affecting the rankings.

Google Update affecting the rankings: – An overview of Google’s history of flagging and adjusting its updates and how this should inform a response to ranking changes. A life cycle for a Google update is the introduction of a new algorithm, modifications to improve it, eventual obsolescence, and then replacement. Improvements to the update generally …

Google Keyword Planner tool receives trend and change data.

The Google Keyword Planner tool receives trend and change data for 3 months per year: As the platform makes more data available, you can use it to make informed decisions about your search campaigns. Google is testing adding some new metric columns to the Google Keyword Planner tool. The new columns observed in the Google …

Latent Semantic Indexing.

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are terms and phrases that are similar to or related to the target keyword of a web page. The purpose of LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords is to help search engines better understand page content by adding context and connecting the copy with the target keyword. In terms of SEO …

Kalam Salaam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul KalamĀ (October 15, 1931 – July 27, 2015) was an Indian aerospace scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied aerospace physics and engineering. Personal life: Kalam was the youngest of five …

Data Analysis Errors A Digital Marketers Make.

Data Analysis Errors a Digital Marketers Make: – Digital marketers can make mistakes when analyzing data and making decisions. Reporting and analyzing data inevitably requires a significant amount of time as a digital marketer. Even experienced marketers can stumble and make some common mistakes when analyzing data and making decisions. One needs to be on …

Google Search Console removes search appearance from rich results.

Google Search Console removes search appearance from rich results: – Google turns off the generic search look of rich results in Search Console. Google is retiring the generic search appearance of rich results in Search Console performance reports, as there are now individual filters for most types of rich results. Google is getting rid of …


SEO KEYWORDS RESEARCH: – The latest Google algorithms focus on topics to find relevance instead of words. The way people search also reflects an emphasis on topics (or queries) rather than matching words. This has led many marketers to say goodbye to keyword research. Keyword and keyword phrase research is still as important as it …

Better writing skills help build a successful career.

Better writing skills help build a successful career: – Sometimes someone doesn’t even realize how important good writing skills can be in the future, including careers. As an employee, employer, professional, or recent graduate trying to enter the corporate world, good writing skills can be one of the key reasons for landing the dream job …

Keyword Research Types.

Keyword Research Types: – Keyword research is broader than one might think.   Keyword search for SEO / PPC. Keyword research for social media marketing. Keyword search for content creation. Keyword research for market/audience research.   If one has been addicted to Google search traffic, everything else may feel inferior. Google is responsible for most …

Algorithms on social media platforms.

Algorithms on social media platforms: –   Algorithms on social media platforms can be defined as technical means of ranking posts based on relevance rather than post time, to prioritize what content a user sees first according to the likelihood that they actually interact with said content. Coders using machine learning can write algorithms. Machine …